Monday, August 12, 2024

The Well by Jake Wyatt, Choo

The Well by Jake Wyatt, Choo
My Rating: ★★★★

If anyone asked Lizzy to describe her life, she’d say it was pretty sweet. While she sadly lost her parents and grandma to a battle with the leviathan that brought fog and destruction to their home, she’s lived a life full of love. Things go awry when she accidentally spends all her extra coin at the market, leading her to borrow money from the wishing well. Now she’s forced to grant the wishes attached to the coins or find herself claimed by the fountain.

This is such a beautifully illustrated book with a touch of magic. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and how much love we see between many of the characters. I do think that there needed to be more information at times, such as the games with the goblins, but otherwise, it was a great story. I enjoyed reading it and loved all of the artwork. It was also fun to see Lizzy learn to think before taking action thanks to her experience with the wishing well. I also like that there’s a touch of humor here and there to keep the story from getting too sad since it was clear it was meant to be mostly lighthearted. All in all, I really enjoyed the story and I’m excited to see what the author as well as the illustrator put out in the future.

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