Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Duke's Sister and I by Emma-Claire Sunday

The Duke's Sister and I by Emma-Claire Sunday
My Rating: ★★★★★

I received a copy from Harlequin Historical through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Loretta Linfield has spent her life trying to be the perfect woman in society. When her dad sets his sights on the Duke of Colchester, she knows that will likely be her future husband. It’s the perfectly boring and safe life she was raised to embrace, which is why her lack of interest in that life has left her head spinning. However, meeting her potential sister-in-law, Charlotte Sterlington, has been the one shining light in her life. Loretta quickly finds herself sharing secret kisses with Charlotte that has ignited a fire she didn’t know existed. However it’s only a matter of time before she is faced with a marriage proposal from the wrong Sterlington…

I was excited to start this book because it was giving me serious sapphic Bridgerton vibes before I even read the first page. I’m excited to share that the book did not disappoint! We follow Loretta and Charlotte through their rotating perspectives. They have very different personalities, which leads them to clash early into Loretta and Arthur’s courtship. Once Loretta learns that Charlotte is trying to impress her rather than embarrass her, all bets are off.

The book has a great cast of characters, so I loved getting to learn more about many of them. There are a few characters who seemed on the edge of having a larger role than they ultimately had, but I was happy with the overall story by the time I made it to the end. I do wish we saw or learned more about a few characters, but it also makes sense that they didn’t have larger roles. I also really loved how we got to see Charlotte and Arthur’s relationship shift and grow as the story continued. I love strong sibling relationships in fiction, so it was wonderful to see them go from being at odds to slowly becoming friends as the story continued.

All in all, this was a really enjoyable read. There’s a lot of chemistry between Loretta and Charlotte, but their romance is a little on the slow side. Personally, I didn’t have a problem with that. I enjoyed watching them get to know each other as well as watching Loretta learn that there’s so much more than meets the eye. I don’t know if this is a stand alone or the first book to a series yet, but I would love it if it turns into a series. It would be great to see some of the characters get their own stories, so I’ll be back if a second book comes out in the future.

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