Thursday, December 1, 2022

Heathen: Vol. 3 by Natasha Alterici, Ashley A. Woods

Heathen: Vol. 3 by Natasha Alterici, Ashley A. Woods
My Rating: ★★

When Aydis finally arrives at the land of the gods, she discovers that simply stating her demands for Odin gets her nowhere. As Aydis deals with coming face to face with a wall, everyone she once knew back at her village is in danger as Odin’s army marches into battle with them.

I’m disappointed by the final volume in this series. The story isn’t as good, there’s loose endings, Aydis strangely gets tossed into the backseat of her story. It feels very rushed, and a good portion of the second half doesn’t even make sense given the overall series. Plus, the showdown with Odin along with the overall ending is extremely anticlimactic. I’m pretty sad about how this entire volume went because it could’ve been a great ending to a wonderful series, but it just falls flat.

The artwork is nice, but there was a new artist and it just didn’t have the same impact. However, I don’t think that’s the artist’s fault. The story itself lost its magic, so I think even if there wasn’t a new artist on board, the magic in the artwork would’ve still gone missing. It’s sad all around, and I spent much of the volume looking like a reaction gif due to how the story lost everything that it had going for it. As I said, the overall ending was extremely anticlimactic. I don’t know what happened with this volume, but I do hope to check out more of the author’s work because they are extremely talented.

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