Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Missing Diamond (The Crown Jewels Regency Mysteries #1) by Lynn Morrison, Anne Radcliffe

The Missing Diamond by Lynn Morrison, Anne Radcliffe
My Rating: ★★★★

I received a copy from Marketing Chair Press through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

When Roland Percy’s father dies in a drunken accident, he’s forced to leave the military and return home. Under his grandfather’s threats, he must marry and produce an heir as soon as possible. Roland is set on courting the diamond of the season, Charity Cresswell, but things go awry when she goes missing. Everyone thinks she’s run away to elope with a secret lover, but Grace Tilbury knows her best friend must have been abducted. Now it’s up to Grace and Roland to find Charity before her virtue is destroyed in the eyes of society. As Grace and Roland grow closer, their romantic candle has been lit, leaving a whole new set of problems on their hands.

When I saw this book, I knew I had to read it. A regency era romance turned cozy mystery? Sign me up! If you’re looking for a book that’s heavy in the romance department, this may not be the book for you because it’s a very slow burn. However, it really works for the story. I think that when the romance gets kicked into full gear in book two, all the work put into the romance’s beginning is going to pay off in a huge way. What a scandal that will be, though! Phew. I’m already ready for book two.

That said, this was a super fun read. I really enjoyed all of the characters. Even the evil characters were interesting and well-written! We are introduced to many characters, but it’s done slowly and never feels overwhelming. One of the things I really like is that no matter how briefly we see a character, they are really well planned out and it feels almost like we’re meeting and talking to them ourselves. It was also fun to see Roland learn that not only are women just as capable as men, but also see how much society holds women back as he gets to know Grace.

The mystery itself was fun to follow. Who abducted Charity, or did she really sneak away with a secret lover to elope? We see all the angles and see a lot of fun interactions as Grace and Roland investigate things. There are Bridgerton vibes mainly because Queen Charlotte gets involved thanks to Charity being her carefully selected diamond of the season, which does add to the story. I did figure out who did what because it made the most sense given the circumstances, but it was still really fun to see how it played out.

All in all, this was such a great read. My only real issue with the story is how it ends. It was so abrupt that I actually thought the advanced copy I received had accidentally cut off the ending! I actually said, that’s it?! It does leave off on a small cliffhanger of sorts, so I’m sitting on the edge of my seat while waiting for the next installment. It’ll be interesting to see how the next book plays out and what mystery will be thrown into the mix since this is listed as a regency mystery series. I just hope that the ending of the next book will be less abrupt.

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