I received a copy from DC Comics through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Taylor Barzelay is just your average teenager. They have their loving family, best friend, and life as a basketball star in a small town high school. The only problem is that Taylor is actually the Galaxy Crowned, and has been forced to live in disguise as a teenage human boy with a fake family. She lives in fear of being discovered by the people searching the galaxy for her, but she’s far more miserable being forced to live as a boy and not recognize any part of herself every single day. Everything changes when Kat enters the picture, making Taylor feel daring enough to reveal who she really is and start to live for the first time in years.
I absolutely loved reading this. We follow Taylor, the Galaxy Crowned from Cyandii, as they are forced to live in hiding. Every single day is one long and miserable adventure where she doesn’t recognize any part of herself or who she is because she’s been forced to live in disguise as a teenage boy or risk being found. Everything is perfect on the surface while a big chunk of misery behind the mask she’s forced to wear.
Watching Taylor find herself and the confidence to risk it all to at least recognize the person she is behind the disguise she’s been forced to live was absolutely wonderful. While it was hard to watch the fallout she experiences from the town, I loved the story and the characters, especially Taylor and Kat. I hope to see more come out from this story because I don’t think this is the end of Taylor, so it’d be very exciting to see how her story continues to develop in the event the story gets a chance to expand. It would also be interesting to learn more about Cyandii, especially since what we learn throughout the story is rather interesting as it is.