Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow (The Okay Witch #2) by Emma Steinkellner

The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow by Emma Steinkellner
My Rating:

Just when Moth Hush thought being a witch would solve all her problems, life lets her know that is not the case. She’s still being bullied at school and only has one friend, Charlie. When the bullying meets new heights on the first day back at school, Moth has had enough and she’s ready change everything when she finds a magical charm. What’s the use of magic if she can’t use it to help her fit in with her peers?

I loved the first book, so I was extremely excited when I heard that it was getting a second installment. I’ll be even more excited if it turns into a several book series because I’d love to see Moth’s adventures as she faces different problems. Plus, I’d love to continue learning more about her family as the series continues if that’s something that happens.

This time around, we follow Moth as she tries to face her bullies once and for all. Of course, using magic to create a version of herself that is accepted by her peers goes south when it turns out the magical charm is revealed to be a curse. Through this excellent story, the story teaches its readers that changing yourself for other people doesn’t always give you the intended results. We see the other side of what Moth’s bullies really think about her even after starting to accept her in addition to the magical consequences of her choices.

I also liked that we saw how four different people dealt with their different situations with not being accepted by society, and that each had a different outcome. One of them had quite a dramatic supernatural outcome that clearly represented what could happen after changing who you are long-term. I thought the moral of the story was excellently weaved with magic.

I’m excited to see how this story continues should the series continue. I’ve enjoyed both books so much. I’ve got my fingers crossed that there’s a third installment at some point because Emma Steinkellner has developed such a stellar story with wonderful characters.

1 comment:

  1. Yes!!! It was released in July. I was so excited when I heard it was getting a sequel because I loved the first one so much!
