Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Numerology Guidebook: Uncover Your Destiny and the Blueprint of Your Life by Michelle Buchanan

The Numerology Guidebook by Michelle Buchanan
My Rating:

Taking the next step in my path to learn numerology, I picked up this book and was not disappointed. This is a nice, detailed book that begins with an explanation on numerology and how there’s a difference between modern and old school numerology. Neither is wrong, it’s all up to personal preference. From there, the book dives into how to calculate your core numbers before diving into the juicy bits.

There is a lot of useful information on learning numerology along with how to compile your own numerology profile. The instructions on how to calculate core numbers along with other numbers, such as challenge numbers, are clear and nothing is left to the imagination. I like that there’s multiple ways to calculate the numbers so that people can choose the method that makes the most sense to them. The question that I had with a different numerology book was do we reduce the number if we get a power number? Michelle Buchanan provides an explanation on this so calculating is left without questions.

I love how much information is in this book without making it overwhelming for anyone dipping their toes into numerology for the first time. There are clear explanations and how to blend the information you get from the numbers together to create a clear profile. I also like that it encourages to look at both the power number and what it reduces to if you get a power number in your core numbers. There’s a reason for this and it makes a lot of sense.

Toward the end of the book, there’s other numbers to check out for when selecting baby names, pet names, and so on. I decided to calculate the numbers for my cats even though I named them when I adopted them. Their numbers are spot on. It’s pretty interesting how a name can tell us so much about a person, place, or animal.

Numerology is so interesting. I’m glad I came across this book because it’s very informative and I highly recommend it for other people just getting into numerology.

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