Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tarot for Creativity: A Guide for Igniting Your Creative Practice by Chelsey Pippin Mizzi

Tarot for Creativity: A Guide for Igniting Your Creative Practice by Chelsey Pippin Mizzi
My Rating: ★★★★

I received a copy from Chronicle Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

If you’ve been looking for a Tarot book to help you expand your Tarot knowledge, then this might be a good book for you! Inside, you will find an introduction, and some basic information on Tarot before diving into the cards. The rest of the book goes through each card in the Major and Minor Arcana. The book helps readers look at the cards differently than they may normally look at them. I’ve used my Tarot and Oracle cards for creative inspiration before, so I like that this book will help people look at their cards in a new light. I also love that there’s so many different spreads included in the book. There’s a spread after each card plus seven spreads at the end of the book.

I think this is an excellent book to have in your collection if you are a Tarot reader, especially if you are artistic in any way. There’s a ton of little creative prompts throughout the book, so even if you don’t pull some cards for yourself or someone else, the prompts may get the wheels in your mind spinning when you feel like you’re stuck.

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