Monday, June 21, 2021

The Queen of Rhodia (Tales of Inthya #3) by Effie Calvin

The Queen of Rhodia by Effie Calvin
My Rating:

Princess Esofi and Princess Adale have been enjoying the married life in addition to motherhood with their baby dragon, Carinth. Things seem to be going well, especially since they have begun peace discussions with the dragons. At least, things were going well until Esofi’s mother, Queen Gaelle of Rhodia, hears about Carinth. Convinced that Esofi is undeserving of this blessing from Tacia, Gaelle arrives unannounced to take what she believes is hers no matter the cost. 

After the previous book, I was a little sad to leave Orsina and Aelia behind. It turns out that I’m indecisive because I was initially sad to leave Esofi and Adale behind to follow Orsina and Aelia, and now I’m sad to leave Orsina and Aelia behind! However, I quickly found that I was happy to see Esofi and Adale again. Plus, I have been wondering how big of a showdown there would be when Gaelle showed up to snatch Carinth. All I have to say is that I’m glad I’ll never meet Gaelle. Phew. Talk about one mean and powerful woman. I’m interested to learn more about Esofi’s upbringing as the series continues, but I have a pretty good idea about what that looked like.

One of the most interesting parts about this book was the dragons. I was very excited to learn more about them. This time around, we got to see them up close and personal. It was so exciting to see how they lived, how their views differed from humans, and what led to their war with humans. I’m excited to see where this goes in addition to seeing whether or not Gaelle is going to turn up again with her crazy plans for dragons.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book. It was great to revisit Esofi and Adale along with everyone I grew to know and love from the first book in addition to seeing some characters from the second book turn up. The pace was a bit slower, but I didn’t mind. I was too busy finding myself absorbed in the story and excited about where it was going to think much about the pace until later.

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